Our mission is to contribute to the protection of the environment, air, water, soil, plants, animals, people; to remedy the continuous and numerous attacks that Nature suffers due to the pollution caused by many human activities.
If Nature suffers, it also knows how to be generous and, among the many resources, provides us with completely natural microorganisms and enzymes capable of effectively counteracting the producers of bad odors coming from putrefaction phenomena without any side effects, by degrading decaying organic matter, pathogens, eggs, larvae, mold, fungi, etc.
These widespread phenomena are primarily responsible for the unpleasant fumes emanating from environments such as bathrooms, domestic drains, sewers, litter boxes and animal farms, especially large ones, which can even prove difficult to coexist with the neighborhood.
A correct and harmonious composition prepared according to coherent frequencies by biologically active bacteria and enzymes such as the one prepared by Cielo Solimè 2022 can represent the solution.
The preparation effectively contributes to restoring the natural environment of the soil, which keeps it fertile and truly "biological". In short, it is the offended Nature that gives us the tools to heal it and to heal ourselves, because we too, like the whole planet of which we are guests, are part of Nature.
We just need to know it, respect it and support it. This is what Cielo Solimè does.